Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission.
An organization’s bylaws are a necessary function of operations. Below you will find the bylaws for Elder Resource Association – South of the River. Contact Us with any questions.
The Elder Resource Association (ERA) South of the River (SOTR) having been established, will operate under the following by-laws.
The purpose of the Elder Resource Association, South of the River shall be to plan, develop, implement and evaluate activities and resources consistent with the commitment to senior services in communities in the south metro area.
1. To identify the needs and interests of seniors in the community and to aid in developing ways to satisfy those needs and interests.
2. To aid in the planning and development of a balanced program for seniors in the areas of: health, wellness, housing, education, recreation and enrichment.
3. To monitor the financial condition and operation of ERA/SOTR.
4. To encourage cooperative efforts between ERA members and other public and private agencies.
5. To suggest methods of increasing the effective use of community resources for seniors through special events and an annual senior resource guide.
6. To increase communication and support amongst ERA members SOTR.
7. To provide a communication venue between ERA members and community resources.
8. To plan, develop, implement and evaluate an annual resource fair for seniors and caregivers.
9. To plan, develop, implement, evaluate and distribute an annual Resource Guide for seniors and caregivers in the south metro area.
1. The Elder Resource Association shall include ten (10) or more members, at least two-thirds (2/3) of whom shall operate primarily south of the river as defined in the purpose.
2. Membership shall be based on demonstrated interest in and/or potential to contribute to ERA/SOTR.
3. The ERA Executive Board shall have the following expectations of its members:
A. Attend regular ERA meetings or provide notice to the Vice President.
B. Complete an annual membership application and pay annual membership dues by January 1st of each year.
C. Maintain knowledge of senior services, programs and resources.
D. Maintain an open mind and a positive attitude in reviewing ERA issues.
E. Participate actively in ERA discussions.
F. Volunteer to assist with ERA committee work and/or special projects.
G. Support efforts to carry out ERA functions as listed in these by-laws.
H. Co-host regular meetings.
I. Have application reviewed by the Executive Board.
4. The benefits for annually paid membership are as follows:
A. Attendance at networking meetings held six (6) times a year.
B. Access to ERA/SOTR membership and Expo mailing lists.
C. Membership listing and membership designation in the annual Resource Guide.
D. Reduced table/space option at the annual ERA/SOTR Expo.
E. Logo and website listing on the ERA/SOTR website.
F. Ability to list events on the ERA/SOTR website calendar.
G. Logo noted on ERA/SOTR website when you are either sponsor or co-sponsor a networking meeting.
H. Opportunity to advertise on the ERA/SOTR website for established rate.
1. Officers
A. President
The President shall be responsible for the organization of the group, preside over its meetings, appoint committee chairs, maintain historical records, act as the liaison with community resources, serve as the spokesperson of the group and provide leadership in developing the ERA efforts SOTR.
B. Vice President
Vice President shall perform duties of the President when absent and promote ERA membership.
C. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive all membership applications and monies, prepare the necessary reports and make disbursements for ERA/SOTR.
2. Committees
A. Expo Committee
The Expo Committee Chair(s) shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, and any committee shall be comprised of current members who meet as needed. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: overall coordination of the expo, marketing, and public relations.
Subcommittees may be appointed by the committee chair(s).
B. Resource Guide Committee
The Resource Guide Committee Chair(s) shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, and any committee shall be comprised of current members who meet as needed. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: overall coordination of the annual resource guide, publication, printing and distribution. Subcommittees may be appointed by the committee chair(s).
C. Website Committee
The Website Committee Chair(s) shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, and any committee shall be comprised of current members who meet as needed. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to coordination of the website and social media. Subcommittees may be appointed by the committee chair.
3.Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be comprised of all current officers, the chair(s) of the Expo Committee, the chair(s) of the Resource Guide Committee and the chair(s) of the Website Committee. The Executive Board shall advise the President and act for the group on an interim basis when requested. Actions of the Executive Board shall be submitted to the membership for approval, as needed, at the next, regular meeting.
4. Special Assignments
A. Host
Host agency will provide site for regular meetings, create and distribute meeting notices for members 2 weeks prior to regularly scheduled meetings, and co-sponsor food and beverages for the meeting.
B. Co-Host
Co-Host shall co-sponsor food and beverages for the regular meetings in cooperation with the Host site, take minutes and provide them electronically to the Website Committee Chair for the website after approval of the President.
5. Elections
A. Officers shall be elected the last meeting of each even year for installation the beginning of each odd year.
B. Nominations will be held the meeting prior to the election meeting. Candidates must be current members and committed to the goals of ERA/SOTR.
C. All elected offices may be re-elected with no term limits.
D. In the event that an elected officer is unable to perform his/her duties, the President, after informing membership, shall at his/her discretion appoint a replacement to fill the remainder of the term. If the President becomes unable to perform his/her duties, the Executive Board shall be responsible for selection of a replacement.
1. The ERA/SOTR shall conduct meetings every other month. Meetings will generally be held on the third Tuesday of each of those months.
2. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the ERA/SOTR Executive Committee.
3. Two-thirds (2/3) of the current membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the ERA/SOTR.
The ERA/SOTR will generally try to conduct business by reaching consensus through discussions and by establishing common understandings. When a vote is called by the chair, Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws. Voting shall then be limited to ERA/SOTR members with a simple majority vote prevailing.
Amendments to these by-laws shall be submitted in written form by any member to the Executive Board for review and presentation to the membership at any regular meeting. The amendment will become effective upon ratification by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of eligible voting members in attendance at the meeting.
Adopted 11/21/06
Revised: 11/08, 1/09, 12/09, 1/15, 1/16, 5/18, 3/22
The Elder Resource Association (ERA) is a group of professionals in the South of the River market dedicated to improving the lives of seniors. Established in 2006.
ERA Members