Welcome to the 2025 ERA Aging & Wellness Expo

Please take a moment and review the Sponsorship levels for the 2025 Expo. Sponsorship opportunities are available for current paid ERA Members only and are available on a first-come, first served basis. We will provide names for door prize distribution at the end of the event for those wishing to participate. There is no TABLE / SPACE sharing allowed.

To confirm your ERA membership is current, please log into your ERA Member Account from our Member Login page. If you forgot your password, you can easily request it.


Registration deadline is March 14, 2025

Bag Sponsorship deadline is March 7, 2025

ERA Expo 2025 Sponsorships Options Grid (PDF)

ERA Expo 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities Details (PDF)


Event Sponsor $600

There will be a 6’ table provided at the event and you may have 2 – 4 people at your table.  There will be an 8’ x 8’ space for your table and an additional marketing banner/display.  Your company name and logo will be included on all press and printed materials as well as online and social media materials.  Company name and logo will be prominently displayed on the event program and on a display board at the event.  Please have your marketing materials at your table.  Please provide company name and logo when registering.  Remember a table covering & electric cords if needed & a door prize if participating.


Bag Sponsor $500

There will be a 6’ table provided at the event and you may have 1-2 people at your table.  Company name and logo will be included on the event bags.  Your company name will be included on online/social media materials.  Company name will be on the event program.  Company name and logo will be on a display board at the event.  Please have your marketing materials available at your table.  Please provide company name and logo when registering. Remember a table covering & electric cords if needed & a door prize if participating.


Food Sponsor $400

There will be a 6’ table provided at the event and you may have 1-2 people at your table.  Your company name will be included on online/social media materials.  Company name will be on the event program.  Company name and logo will be on a display board at the event.  Please have your marketing materials available at your table.  Please provide company name and logo when registeringRemember a table covering & electric cords if needed & a door prize if participating.


Member Luncheon Sponsor $300

There will be a 6’ table provided and you may have 1-2 people at your table.  Your company name will be included on online/social media materials.  Company name will be on the event program.  Company name and logo will be on a display board at the event.  Please have your marketing materials available at your table.  Remember a table covering & electric cords if needed & a door prize if participating.


Member / Table Opportunity $150

There will be a 6’ table provided and you may have1- 2 people at your table.  Company name will be on the event program.  Please have your marketing materials available at your table.  Remember a table covering & electric cords if needed & a door prize if participating.

If you have any questions, please email the Expo Committee at expo@erasouth.org

2025 ERA Expo Vendor Registration for Members

Use your ERA Account Name to Sign In. If you have a question about your membership, please email membership@erasouth.org. If you have not paid your 2025 dues, you will not be able to register for the Expo.


2025 ERA Aging & Wellness Expo